Songs from Maranatha Music

Psalm 8 (Expository)

How Excellent Your Name

Songwriters: Peter Jacobs
Psalm 11 (Expository)

I Take My Refuge (Psalm 11)

Psalm 17:8 (Reference)

In The Shadow Of Your Wings

Psalm 24:7-10 (Reference)

Nothing Can Separate Us

Psalm 27:14 (Reference)

God So Loved

Psalm 29 (Expository)

Give Glory To The Lord (Psalm 29)

Psalm 30:5 (Reference)

Nothing Can Separate Us

Psalm 32:1-6 (Expository)

Freely Forgiven (Psalm 32: 1-6)

Psalm 37:9 (Reference)

God So Loved

Psalm 37:34 (Reference)

God So Loved

Psalm 40 (Expository)

I Waited For The Lord

Psalm 46 (Expository)

There Is A River (Psalm 46)

Psalm 47 (Expository)

Clap Your Hands (Psalm 47)

Psalm 57 (Expository)

Be Gracious Unto Me (Psalm 57)

Psalm 66:16-20 (Expository)

Come And Listen (Psalm 66: 16-20)

Psalm 86 (Expository)

Hear O Lord (Psalm 86)

Psalm 90 (Expository)

To Every Generation (Psalm 90)

Psalm 90:2 (Reference)

From Everlasting To Everlasting

Psalm 92 (Expository)

It Is Good To Give Thanks

Psalm 100 (Expository)

Sing To The Lord (Psalm 100)

Psalm 108:1-6 (Expository)

Wake Up My Soul (Psalm 108: 1-6)

Psalm 113 (Expository)

Overture/Sing Together (Psalm 113)

Psalm 119:35-41 (Expository)

Teach Me Thy Way (Psalm 119: 35-41)

Psalm 121 (Expository)

He Will Not Let You Fall

Psalm 122 (Expository)

I Was Glad (Psalm 122)

Psalm 126 (Expository)

Those Who Sow In Tears (Psalm 126)

Psalm 130 (Expository)

My Soul Waits (Psalm 130)

Psalm 143 (Expository)

In The Morning (Psalm 143)

Isaiah 8:17 (Reference)

God So Loved

Isaiah 40:31 (Reference)

God So Loved

John 3:16 (Expository)

God So Loved

John 17:21 (Expository)

Make Us One

Songwriters: Scott Smith
Romans 8:35-39 (Reference)

Nothing Can Separate Us

I Timothy 6:12 (Reference)

Nothing Can Separate Us

II Peter 3:8 (Reference)

From Everlasting To Everlasting

I John 3:2 (Expository)

When We See Him

Revelation 12:11 (Expository)

We Have Overcome

Songwriters: Bill Batstone