Songs from Galatians 3
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Galatians 3:27-28 (Expository)
As Many of You (Galatians 3:27-28)
Artists: Faith Inkubators/BibleSong
Galatians 3:13 (Reference)
I Have Been Baptized into Christ (Romans 6)
Songwriters: Abe Philip, Liza Philip
Artists: Abe & Liza Philip
Galatians 3:13 (Reference)
Once For All (Free From The Law, O Happy Condition)
Songwriters: Philip Bliss
Galatians 3:22 (Reference)
Jesus, the Sinner’s Friend, to Thee
Songwriters: Charles Wesley, Henry K. Oliver
Galatians 3:20 (Quote)
Tomorrow – Gal 2:20 and 6:7 Gen 1:27 Ecc 3:11 Mar 10:45 Jam 4:14
Artists: Poet Tree Scripture Songs