Songs from John 13

If you’re simply looking for good songs quickly, this is a list currently being curated of some of the best songs from each chapter. See the full list at advanced search.

John 13 (Expository)

Peter’s Song, Pt. 4

Artists: Lilyfields
John 13 (Expository)

The New Commandment John 13 and 14

Artists: Rick Lange
John 13:1 (Expository)

One as we are one

Songwriters: Ray Palmer
John 13:1-15 (Expository)

To show how humble Christians ought

John 13:1-17 (Expository)

I Came to Serve

John 13:1-17 (Expository)

Jesus Washed Their Feet

John 13:1-17 (Expository)

Washing Down (of the Feet)

Artists: Bill Monaghan
John 13:3-10 (Expository)

The Basin and the Towel

Songwriters: Michael Card
Artists: Michael Card
John 13:3-10 (Expository)

The Royal Servant

Songwriters: Daniel S. Warner
John 13:3-10 (Expository)

How Much More a Servant Could He Be?

Artists: Michael Card
John 13:4-12 (Expository)

Love Each Other

Songwriters: Graham Kendrick
John 13:5 (Expository)

As He Gathered at His Table

Songwriters: Paul A. Richardson
John 13:8-9 (Expository)


Artists: The Chandlers
John 13:15 (Expository)

Christ, in the Night He Was Betrayed

John 13:17 (Expository)

The ‘do’ Song (John 13:17)

Artists: Paul McIntyre
John 13:23 (Expository)

Rabbi’s Heart

Songwriters: Michael Card
Artists: Michael Card
John 13:25 (Expository)

Rejoice the Soul of Thy Servant

Songwriters: John Newton
Artists: John Newton
John 13:34 (Expository)

I Give You a New Commandment

Artists: Ken Canedo
John 13:34 (Expository)

Love (John 13:34)

Artists: Funky Mama
John 13:34 (Expository)

Love One Another

John 13:34 (Expository)

Love One Another – John 13:34

Artists: Promiseland
John 13:34 (Expository)

Love One Another (John 13:34)

Artists: Promiseland
John 13:34 (Expository)

Love One Another (John 13:34)

John 13:34 (Expository)

I Give You a New Commandment

Artists: Bob Hurd
John 13:34 (Expository)

I Give You a New Commandment

John 13:34 (Expository)

Love One Another/Song Of Brotherhood

John 13:34-35 (Expository)

Love One Another

John 13:34-35 (Expository)

A Life Of Love

Songwriters: Michael Mangan
John 13:34-35 (Expository)

You Are My Disciples

John 13:34-35 (Expository)

A New Commandment

John 13:34-35 (Expository)

Love One Another

Songwriters: Germaine Habjan
John 13:34-35 (Expository)

A New Commandment

John 13:34-35 (Expository)

A New Kind of Love

Songwriters: David Ingles
Artists: David Ingles
John 13:34-35 (Expository)

Love One Another

Songwriters: Jon Mohr, Randall Dennis
Artists: Steve Green
John 13:35 (Expository)

By Our Love

John 13:35 (Expository)

They’ll Know We Are Christians

Songwriters: Peter Scholtes
John 13:35 (Expository)

By This Sign

John 13:38 (Expository)

What Kind of Man

Artists: Legacy Five
John 13 (Reference)

Jesus Took A Towel

Songwriters: Chrysogonus Waddell
John 13:1 (Reference)

He Loved Me to the End

John 13:1 (Reference)

He Loved Us to the End

John 13:1 (Reference)

I Belong to Christ

Songwriters: Abe Philip, Liza Philip
John 13:1 (Reference)

Lord, Thou On Earth Didst Love Thine Own

Songwriters: Ray Palmer
John 13:1 (Reference)

Love Me to the End

John 13:1 (Reference)

Love Me to the End

John 13:1 (Reference)

My Savior Lives

Songwriters: Abe Philip, Liza Philip
John 13:1 (Reference)

That’s The Love Of God

Artists: Sandi Patty.
John 13:1 (Reference)

The Humble One

Songwriters: Mike Begbie
Artists: Emu Music
John 13:1 (Reference)

Good Friday: The End

John 13:1-14 (Reference)

Behold Him

John 13:1-17 (Reference)

Gentle and Lowly

Songwriters: Joe Deegan
Artists: RYM Worship
John 13:1-17 (Reference)

I Give You a New Commandment

Artists: Ken Canedo
John 13:1-20 (Reference)

God Washed the Dirty Feet of Men

Songwriters: McHan
Artists: Florida Boys
John 13:1-20 (Reference)

He Washed My Feet

Songwriters: Rodney Griffin
John 13:3-14 (Reference)

I Came to Serve: John 13:3-14

John 13:5 (Reference)

Jesus is Lord

John 13:5 (Reference)


John 13:5-12 (Reference)

The Work (It Ain’t Easy)

Artists: Elias Dummer
John 13:5-14 (Reference)

To Whom Else Shall We Go

Artists: Bob Hurd
John 13:8 (Reference)

The dusty paths of earth defile

John 13:13-14 (Reference)

As I Have Done for You

Songwriters: Dan Schutte
Artists: Dan Schutte
John 13:14 (Reference)


John 13:14-15 (Reference)

The Light of the World

John 13:15 (Reference)

Christ, in the Night He Was Betrayed

Songwriters: Lowell Mason
John 13:23 (Reference)

He Leadeth His Own

John 13:23 (Reference)

I Am The One Whom Jesus Loves

Songwriters: Abe Philip, Liza Philip
John 13:23 (Reference)

Jesus, Savior, On Thy Breast

John 13:23 (Reference)

O Lord, Who Hast This Table Spread

Songwriters: Edward A. Collier
John 13:23 (Reference)

One Blessed Hour

John 13:23 (Reference)

One That Jesus Loved

Artists: Aaron Bush
John 13:23 (Reference)

Our Home Bright and Fair

John 13:23 (Reference)

Who Is This Jesus?

Songwriters: Caroline Cobb Smith
Artists: Caroline Cobb
John 13:23 (Reference)

Come to Jesus Now

John 13:25 (Reference)

Near To Thy Heart

Songwriters: John W. Peterson
John 13:25 (Reference)

Pressing On

John 13:34 (Reference)

If You Love Me

John 13:34 (Reference)

This Is My Body

John 13:34 (Reference)

Live For The Kingdom

Songwriters: Rob Smith
Artists: Emu Music
John 13:34 (Reference)

This Is My Will

Artists: Koiné
John 13:34 (Reference)

Love One Another

Songwriters: Colin Buchanan
John 13:34 (Reference)

Angry Words! O Let Them Never

Songwriters: D.K.P., H.R. Palmer
John 13:34 (Reference)

Beloved Ones

John 13:34-35 (Reference)

Love One Another

Artists: Russ Mohr
John 13:34-35 (Reference)

One Long Final Walk

Artists: Michael Card
John 13:34-35 (Reference)

The Gathering

John 13:34-35 (Reference)

Love One Another

Songwriters: John Michael Talbot
John 13:34-35 (Reference)

Christ Is All In All

John 13:34-35 (Reference)

Love One Another

Artists: David Meece
John 13:35 (Reference)


John 13:35 (Reference)

Only Room For Love

Artists: Doug Anderson
John 13:35 (Reference)

A Little Love

Artists: Gary LeVox
John 13:35 (Reference)

By Our Love

John 13:35 (Reference)

I Say
