Songs from John 3

If you’re simply looking for good songs quickly, this is a list currently being curated of some of the best songs from each chapter. See the full list at advanced search.

John 3 (Expository)

You Must Be Born Again

Artists: The McKameys
John 3:1-8 (Expository)

Thou Must be Born again

Songwriters: William Cushing
John 3:1-17 (Expository)

God So Loved the World

Artists: David Norfrey
John 3:1-21 (Expository)


John 3:1-21 (Expository)


John 3:1-21 (Expository)


John 3:1-21 (Expository)

Nicodemus Came At Night

Artists: The Donut Man
John 3:1-21 (Expository)

Born of the Spirit

Artists: Ted Pearce
John 3:1-21 (Expository)

You Must Be Born Again

John 3:1-21 (Expository)

God Told Nicodemus

John 3:1-21 (Expository)

Have You Been Born Again?

Artists: Bev McCann
John 3:1-21 (Expository)


Songwriters: Colin Buchanan
John 3:3 (Expository)

Ye Must be Born Again

Songwriters: Barney Warren
John 3:3 (Expository)

Ye Must Be Born Again

John 3:3 (Expository)

Except A Man Be Born Again

Songwriters: Wendell P. Loveless
John 3:3 (Expository)

Nicodemus (John 3:3)

John 3:3 (Expository)

Not all the outward forms on earth

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
John 3:3-5 (Expository)

Born Again

Artists: 1 Voice
John 3:3-7 (Expository)

Born Again

Artists: Rick Lange
John 3:3-17 (Expository)

Born Again

Songwriters: Carol Owens, Jimmy Owens
John 3:4 (Expository)

To Know You

John 3:5-7 (Expository)

Sinners, this solemn truth regard

Songwriters: Joseph Hoskins
John 3:7 (Expository)

Ye Must Be Born Again

Songwriters: Charles Naylor
John 3:7 (Expository)

Ye Must Be Born Again

Songwriters: J. R. Beveridge
John 3:8 (Expository)

Gypsy Girl (John 3:8)

John 3:8-16 (Expository)

Born Again

Songwriters: John Michael Talbot
John 3:9 (Expository)

How Can These Things Be

Songwriters: Michael Card
Artists: Michael Card
John 3:14 (Expository)

As the serpent, rasi’d by Moses

Songwriters: John Newton
John 3:14-15 (Expository)

As when the Hebrew prophet raised

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
John 3:14 (Expository)

High and Lifted Up

Songwriters: Dianne Wilkinson
John 3:14-16 (Expository)

So Did the Hebrew Prophet Raise

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
John 3:14-17 (Expository)

The Gospel of Your Grace

Songwriters: Arthur T Pierson
John 3:14-19 (Expository)

As when the Hebrew prophet raised

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
John 3:16 (Expository)

In the 16th Verse

Artists: Ishmael
John 3:16 (Expository)

For God So Loved the World

Artists: Powerpack
John 3:16 (Expository)

God so Loved the World

John 3:16 (Expository)

John 3:16

Artists: Buddy Davis
John 3:16 (Expository)

The Gospel Of Thy Grace

John 3:16 (Expository)

Life (John 3:16)

Artists: Funky Mama
John 3:16 (Expository)

God Gave

John 3:16 (Expository)

God so Loved the World

Songwriters: Fanny Crosby
John 3:16 (Expository)

God so Loved the World (John 3:16)

Artists: Paul McIntyre
John 3:16 (Expository)

God So Loved the World

Songwriters: G.T. Speer
John 3:16 (Expository)

Love (John 3:16)

Artists: Rick Lange
John 3:16 (Expository)

Verily, Verily

Songwriters: James McGranahan
John 3:16 (Expository)

God Loved the World So that He Gave

Songwriters: August Crull, Unknown
John 3:16 (Expository)

For God So Loved (John 3.16)

John 3:16 (Expository)

Even Me

John 3:16 (Expository)

God So Loved

Songwriters: Jay Stocker
John 3:16 (Expository)

God So Loved The World

John 3:16 (Expository)

John 3:16

Songwriters: Kit Lloyd
John 3:16 (Expository)

Not to Condemn the World

John 3:16 (Expository)

Why? (John 3:16)

Artists: Toni Hicks
John 3:16 (Expository)

God so Loved

Artists: Ken Canedo
John 3:16 (Expository)

I Want You To Know – John 3:16

Artists: Promiseland
John 3:16 (Expository)

God So Loved The World

John 3:16 (Expository)

John 3:16

Artists: Pat Boone
John 3:16 (Expository)

God So Loved

John 3:16 (Expository)

I Want You to Know (John 3:16)

John 3:16 (Expository)

John III: 16

Songwriters: Smith and Harper
John 3:16 (Expository)

The Story of Wonderful Love

Songwriters: Henry Gilmour
John 3:16 (Expository)

For God So Loved the World

Songwriters: Graham Kendrick
John 3:16 (Expository)

God so Loved the World

Artists: GLAD
John 3:16 (Expository)

God So Loved The World

John 3:16 (Expository)

Oh We Love You (John 3:16)

John 3:16-17 (Expository)

For God So Loved The World

Songwriters: Stuart Dauermann
John 3:16-17 (Expository)

For God So Loved the World

Artists: Tommy Walker
John 3:16-17 (Expository)

God So Love the World

Songwriters: Carol Owens, Jimmy Owens
John 3:16-18 (Expository)

Not To Condemn the Sons of Men

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
John 3:16-19 (Expository)

Already Condemned

John 3:17 (Expository)

John 3:17

Songwriters: Leon Patillo
Artists: Leon Patillo
John 3:17 (Expository)

Indeed God (John 3:17)

John 3:19-21 (Expository)

Eternal Light

John 3:22 (Expository)

The One In The Water

John 3:27-30 (Expository)

Behold the Lamb

John 3:30 (Expository)

John 3:30 (I Must Decrease)

Artists: Matt Papa
John 3:30 (Expository)

You Must Increase

John 3:31 (Expository)

Above All

John 3:36 (Expository)

Oh, What a Savior That He Died for Me

Songwriters: James McGranahan
John 3 (Reference)


John 3 (Reference)

The Only Way

John 3 (Reference)

Wash Me In Your Water (John 3)

Artists: Greg Scheer
John 3 (Reference)


Artists: Denyce Graves
John 3:1-8 (Reference)

Born Again

Songwriters: Josh Garrels
Artists: Josh Garrels
John 3:1-21 (Reference)

Man of Galilee

John 3:1-21 (Reference)

Meeting Jesus

Artists: David Norfrey
John 3:1-21 (Reference)


Songwriters: Barbour
Artists: The Statesmen
John 3:3-6 (Reference)

Born Again

Artists: Sunday Drive