Songs from John 8:32

If you’re simply looking for good songs quickly, this is a list currently being curated of some of the best songs from each chapter. See the full list at advanced search.

John 8:32 (Expository)

The Truth Will Set You Free

Artists: Alex Bradford
John 8:32 (Expository)

We Are Not Ashamed

Artists: Won By One
John 8:32 (Reference)

Til I Can Feel You Hold My Hand

Artists: Perfect Heart
John 8:32 (Reference)

To Whom Shall I Go

John 8:32 (Reference)

Love Our Enemies

John 8:32 (Reference)

Come and Follow Me

Artists: Andy Park
John 8:32 (Reference)

Man of No Reputation

Artists: Rich Mullins
John 8:32 (Reference)

Mighty Work

John 8:32 (Reference)

One Day

Artists: Ayiesha Woods
John 8:32 (Reference)

Satan Is A Liar

Songwriters: Colin Buchanan
John 8:32 (Reference)

Song of the Man Born Blind

Artists: Bob Hurd
John 8:32 (Reference)

Come and Follow Me

Artists: Andy Park
John 8:32 (Reference)

That Where I Am, There You

Artists: Rich Mullins
John 8:32 (Reference)


Artists: Ross King
John 8:32 (Allusion)

Pass The Love

John 8:32 (Quote)

John 8:32

John 8:32 (Quote)

John 8:32

Artists: Emma's Dad
John 8:32 (Quote)

John 8:32 – The Truth

Artists: JumpStart3