Songs from Micah
If you’re simply looking for good songs quickly, this is a list currently being curated of some of the best songs from each chapter. See the full list at advanced search.
Micah 4 (Expository)
Come Let Us Go to the Mountain of the Lord Micah 4
Artists: Songs for the Masses
Micah 5:4 (Reference)
Interlude Our Strength, Our Peace (Isaiah 28:5-6, Micah 5:4)
Artists: Will Reagan Of United Pursuit
Micah 5:9 (Quote)
When the Righteous Prosper (Shouts of Joy) – (Proverbs 11:10, Micah 5:9 – NIV)
Artists: Scripture Memory Fellowship
Micah 6:8 (Expository)
Walk Humbly with Your God (Micah 6:8/St. Francis of Assisi)
Artists: Chrissy Jankowski