This is a setting of Genesis 22:1-18, with references to it throughout the hymn.
Verse 1
Abraham, when severely tried,
His faith by his obedience shew’d; (Heb. 11:17)
He with the harsh command complied,
And gave his Isaac back to God.
Verse 2
His son the father offer’d up,
Son of his age, his only son,
Object of all his joy and hope,
And less belov’d than God alone.
Verse 3
His seed elect, his heir foretold, (Gen. 15:4)
Of whom the promis’d Christ should rise, (Gen. 18:18)
He could not from his God with-hold
That best, that costliest sacrifice.
Verse 4
The father curb’d his swelling grief,
’Twas God requir’d, it must be done;
He stagger’d not thro’ unbelief,
He bar’d his arm to slay his son.
Verse 5
He rested in Jehovah’s power,
The word must stand which God hath said,
He knew th’ Almighty could restore,
Could raise his Isaac from the dead. (Heb. 11:19)
Verse 6
He knew in whom he had believ’d, (II Tim. 1:12)
And, trusting in omnipotence,
His son as from the dead receiv’d, (Heb. 11:19)
His stedfast faith receiv’d him thence.
Verse 7
O for a faith like his, that we
The bright example may pursue,
May gladly give up all to thee,
To whom our more than all is due!
Verse 8
Now, Lord, for thee our all we leave, (Matt. 19:29, Luke 14:33)
Our willing soul thy call obeys,
Pleasure, and wealth, and fame we give,
Freedom, and life, to win thy grace.
Verse 9
Is there a thing than life more dear,
A thing from which we cannot part?—
We can—we now rejoice to tear
The idol from our bleeding heart.
Verse 10
Jesu accept our sacrifice,
All things for thee we count but loss, (Phil. 3:8)
Lo! At thy word our Isaac dies,
Dies on the altar of thy cross.
Verse 11
Now to thyself the victim take,
Nature’s last agony is o’er,
Freely thine own we render back,
We grieve to part with all no more.
Verse 12
For what to thee, O Lord, we give,
An hundred fold we here obtain, (Matt. 19:29, Mark 10:30)
And soon with thee shall all receive,
And loss shall be eternal gain. (Phil. 3:8)