Verse 1
Ah woe is me a wretched man!
Still of my misery I complain,
With no deliverance nigh,
Afraid, when all my strife is past,
To perish in my sins at last,
And unconverted die.
Verse 2
I must of my salvation doubt,
Till I have fully wrought it out,
And all my sins are gone:
Till perfect love hath fear expel’d,
And by th’ indwelling Spirit seal’d,
I serve my God alone.
Verse 3
My God, for help I cry to Thee,
Ah, why hast Thou forsaken me
In the infernal snare,
Expos’d, assail’d on every side,
Tempted above my strength, and tried
With more than I can bear!
Verse 4
Or shorten my extreme distress,
Or larger influence of grace
To a weak worm impart,
My Keeper in this fiery hour,
Omnipotent in saving power,
And greater than my heart.
Verse 5
O might my heart, to ill inclin’d,
Continually thy Spirit find
Restraining me from ill,
Till ripe in holiness and love,
I mount to meet my Lord above
On the celestial hill.