All hail, Thou mighty to atone!

Verse 1
All hail, thou mighty to atone!
To expiate sin is thine alone,
Thou hast alone the wine-press trod,
Thou only hast for sinners died,
By one oblation satisfied
Th’ inexorably righteous God:
Should the whole church in flames arise,
Offer’d as one burnt-sacrifice
The sinner’s smallest debt to pay,
They could not, Lord, thine honour share,
With thee the Father’s justice bear,
Or bear one single sin away.

Verse 2
Thyself our utmost price hast paid,
Thou hast for all atonement made,
For all the sins of all mankind;
God doth in thee redemption give:
But how shall we the grace receive,
But how shall we the blessing find?
We only can accept the grace,
And humbly our Redeemer praise
Who bought the glorious liberty:
The life thou didst for all procure
We make by our believing sure
To us who live and die to thee.

Verse 3
While faith th’ atoning blood applies,
Ourselves a living sacrifice
We freely offer up to God:
And none but those his glory share
Who crucified with Jesus are,
And follow where their Saviour trod.
Saviour, to thee our lives we give,
Our meanest sacrifice receive,
And to thy own oblation join,
Our suffering and triumphant head,
Thro’ all thy states thy members lead,
And seat us on the throne divine.

Hymnal/Album: Introduced in Hymns on the Lord's Supper, published by John and Charles Wesley (Bristol: Felix Farley, 1745).Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 3 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1869), page 311.
Publishing: Public Domain