Verse 1
And is the Dream of Friendship past
The Fleeting Joy for ever fled!
And must I give Her up at last,
Nor once lament the Living-Dead,
Compel’d to feel the Loss severe,
Forbid to drop a Parting Tear!
Verse 2
The Lord, who gave, and takes away,
No senseless Apathy requires:
He knows the Weakness of his Clay:
Bereav’d of all my Heart desires,
I struggle with the rising Groan,
And hardly cry—Thy Will be done!
Verse 3
To Thee I do not offer up
A Sacrifice that cost me nought,
My All of human Joy or Hope
Is to the Fatal Mountain brought,
The Object of my tenderest Care,
My Friend, the Daughter of my Prayer.
Verse 4
Yet, for thy Sovereign Will demands
Its own with strictest Equity,
I yield her up into thy Hands,
The pretious Loan received from Thee,
My all with solemn Grief restore,
And weep, that I can give no more.