Verse 1
And shall we now turn back,
To Satan’s conquest yield,
The holy fellowship forsake,
And quit the well-fought field;
No more with accord sweet
Our Saviour’s love adore,
And see each other’s face, and meet
In Jesus’ name no more!
Verse 2
We who have counted loss
For Christ our greatest gain,
Shall we refuse the crown and cross,
And suffer all in vain?
Caught in the tempter’s snare,
Shall we like Demas stop,
Th’ assembling of ourselves forbear,
And give our brethren up?
Verse 3
No, never will we part,
Or place to Satan give,
But cleave to God with stedfast heart,
And to each other cleave.
Strengthen’d by his command,
We for the faith contend,
In Jesus’ name together stand,
And suffer to the end.
Verse 4
In vain the subtle foe
Allures with proffer’d ease,
We now his false devices know,
And scorn his hellish peace:
Thy faithful servants, Lord,
We never will resign,
Or buy the world’s good-will and word
By forfeiture of thine.
Verse 5
No, in thy strength we say
To sinners and their god,
Ye cannot tear our shield away,
Who trust in Jesus’ blood,
Who to each other cleave,
Your malice we defy;
We will in Christ together live,
We will together die.