Author of every work Divine

Verse 1
Author of every work divine
Who dost thro’ both creations shine,
The God of nature and of grace,
Thy glorious steps in all we see,
And wisdom attribute to thee,
And power, and majesty, and praise.

Verse 2
Thou didst thy mighty wings outspread,
And brooding o’er the chaos, shed
Thy life into th’ impregn’d abyss,
The vital principle infuse,
And out of nothing’s womb produce
The earth and heaven, and all that is.

Verse 3
That all-informing breath thou art
Who dost continued life impart,
And bidst the world persist to be:
Garnish’d by thee yon azure sky
And all those beauteous orbs on high
Depend in golden chains from thee.

Verse 4
Thou dost create the earth anew,
(Its Maker and Preserver too)
By thine almighty arm sustain;
Nature perceives thy secret force,
And still holds on her even course,
And owns thy providential reign.

Verse 5
Thou art the universal soul,
The plastick power that fills the whole,
And governs earth, air, sea, and sky,
The creatures all, thy breath receive,
And who by thy inspiring live,
Without thy inspiration die.

Verse 6
Spirit immense, eternal mind,
Thou on the souls of lost mankind
Dost with benignest influence move,
Pleas’d to restore the ruin’d race,
And new-create a world of grace
In all the image of thy love.

Hymnal/Album: Introduced in Hymns of Petition and Thanksgiving For the Promise of the Father, published by John and Charles Wesley (Bristol: Felix Farley, 1746). Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 4 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1869), page 198.
Publishing: Public Domain