Verse 1
Author of faith, to thee I cry,
To thee who wouldst not have me die,
But know the truth and live:
Open mine eyes to see thy face,
Work in mine[1] heart the saving grace,
The life eternal give.
Verse 2
Shut up in unbelief I groan,
And blindly serve a God unknown,
Till thou the veil remove,
The gift unspeakable impart
And write thy name upon my heart,
And manifest thy love.
Verse 3
I know the work is only thine,
The gift of faith is all divine;
But if on thee we call,
Thou wilt[2] the benefit bestow,
And give us hearts to feel and know
That thou hast died for all.
Verse 4
Thou bidst us knock and enter in,
Come unto thee, and rest from sin,
The blessings[3] seek and find:
Thou bidst us ask thy grace and have,
Thou can’st, thou wouldst this moment save,
Both me and all mankind.
Verse 5
Be it according to thy word,
Now let me find my pard’ning Lord,
Let what I ask be given;
The bar of unbelief remove,
Open the door of faith and love,
And take me into heaven.
[1] Wesley changed “mine” to “my” in 1749.
[2] Wesley changed “wilt” to “wouldst” to 1749.
[3] Wesley changed “blessings” to “blessing” in 1749.