Verse 1
Blessing, and praise, and thanks, and love
To God, who draws us from above,
And stirs us up to seek his face!
For what thou hast already done,
Father, we bless thy name alone,
And look to taste thy pard’ning grace,
We, who among the flesh-pots lay,
The dawning of a gospel-day
Have seen, and rise to meet our God;
Our God hath heard his people’s groans,
Hath out of Egypt call’d his sons,
And lo! We wait to pass the flood.
Verse 2
Prisoners of hope we meekly stand,
To see the wonders of thy hand,
The saving power divine to see:
Father, till thou our pardon seal,
Till thou in us thy Son reveal,
Our eyes, our hearts are all to thee.
O that the blood were now apply’d!
O that into the crimson tide
Our sins might sink, and rise no more!
Now, Lord, thy pard’ning mercy shew,
And bring thy ransom’d people thro’,
And land us on the heavenly shore.