Brother in Christ, and well-beloved, to Jesus

Verse 1
Brother in Christ, and well-belov’d,
To Jesus, and his servants dear,
Enter, and shew thyself approv’d,
Enter, and find that God is here!

Verse 2
’Scap’d from the world, redeem’d from sin,
By fiends pursued, by men abhor’d,
Come in, poor fugitive, come in,
And share the portion of thy Lord.

Verse 3
Welcome from earth!—Lo! The right-hand
Of fellowship to thee we give;
With open arms, and hearts we stand,
And thee in Jesu’s name receive!

Verse 4
Say, is thy heart resolv’d as ours?
Then let it burn with sacred love;
Then let it taste the heavenly powers,
Partaker of the joys above.

Verse 5
Jesu, attend! Thyself reveal!
Are we not met in thy great name?
Thee in the midst we wait to feel,
We wait to catch the spreading flame.

Verse 6
Thou God, that answerest by fire,
The Spirit of burning now impart,
And let the flames of pure desire
Rise from the altar of our heart.

Verse 7
Truly our fellowship below
With thee, and with thy Father is,
In thee eternal life we know,
And heaven’s unutterable bliss.

Verse 8
In part we only know thee here,
But wait thy coming from above,—
And I shall then behold thee near,
And I shall all be lost in love!

Hymnal/Album: Originally titled: "On the Admission of Any Person into the Societ." Introduced in Hymns and Sacred Poems (1740), published by John and Charles Wesley (London: William Strahan, 1740). Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 1 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1868), page 340.
Publishing: Public Domain