Christ, the true, the heavenly Vine

Verse 1
Christ, the true, the heavenly vine,
If thy grace hath made us thine,
Branches of a poison’d root,
Fallen Adam’s evil fruit;
If we now transplanted are,
If we of thy nature share,
Hear us, Lord, and let us be
Fully grafted into thee.

Verse 2
Still may we continue thus,
We in thee, and thou in us;
Let us fresh supplies receive,
From thee, in thee ever live,
Share the fatness of the root,
Blossom, bud, and bring forth fruit,
With immortal vigour rise,
Tow’ring till we reach the skies.

Verse 3
Christ, to all believers known,
Living, precious corner stone,
Christ, by mortals disallow’d,
Chosen and esteem’d of God,
Lively stones we come to thee,
Built together let us be,
Sav’d by grace thro’ faith alone:
Faith it is that makes us one.

Verse 4
Other ground can no man lay,
Jesus the foundation is:
This shall stand, and only this:
Fitly fram’d in him we are,
All the building rises fair:
Let it to a temple rise,
Worthy him who fills the skies.

Verse 5
Husband of thy church below,
Christ, if thee our Lord we know,
Unto thee betroth’d in love,
Always faithful let us prove,
Never rob thee of our heart,
Never give the creature part;
Only thou possess the whole,
Take our[1] body, spirit, soul.

Verse 6
Stedfast let us cleave to thee,
Love the mystic union be,
Union to the world unknown!
Join’d to God, in spirit one.
Wait we till the Spouse shall come,
Till the Lamb shall take us home,
For his heaven the bride prepare,
Solemnize our nuptials there.

[1] Wesley changed “our” to “my” in 1761.

Hymnal/Album: Originally titled: "The Communion of Saints Part Ii." Introduced in a hymnal jointly credited to John and Charles Wesley; it is more likely than not that Charles wrote it but not certain. Introduced in Hymns and Sacred Poems (1740), published by John and Charles Wesley (London: William Strahan, 1740). Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 1 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1868), page 358.
Publishing: Public Domain