Come, Holy Ghost, all-quickening fire, Come and in me delight

Verse 1
Come, Holy Ghost, all-quick’ning fire,
Come, and in me delight to rest!
Drawn by the lure of strong desire,
O come, and consecrate my breast:
The temple of my soul prepare,
And fix thy sacred presence there!

Verse 2
If now thy influence I feel,
If now in thee begin to live;
Still to my heart thyself reveal,
Give me thyself, for ever give.
A point my good, a drop my store:
Eager I ask, and pant for more.

Verse 3
Eager for thee I ask and pant,
So strong the principle divine
Carries me out with sweet constraint,
Till all my hallow’d soul be thine:
Plung’d in the Godhead’s deepest sea,
And lost in thy immensity.

Verse 4
My peace, my life, my comfort now,
My treasure, and my all thou art!
True witness of my sonship thou,
Engraving pardon on my heart:
Seal of my sins in Christ forgiv’n,
Earnest of love, and pledge of heav’n.

Verse 5
Come then, my God, mark out thy heir,
Of heav’n a larger earnest give,
With clearer light thy witness bear;
More sensibly within me live:
Let all my pow’rs thy entrance feel,
And deeper stamp thyself the seal.

Verse 6
Come, Holy Ghost, all-quick’ning fire,
Come, and in me delight to rest!
Drawn by the lure of strong desire,
O come, and consecrate my breast:
The temple of my soul prepare,
And fix thy sacred presence there!

Hymnal/Album: Originally titled: "Hymn to the Holy Ghost." This is the original version of this hymn, as first published in John and Charles Wesley's "Hymns and Sacred Poems (1739)."Introduced in Hymns and Sacred Poems, published by John and Charles Wesley (London: William Strahan, 1739). Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 1 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1868), page 164.
Publishing: Public Domain