Verse 1
Come, Jesus, and build
Thy temples below,
In mercy reveal’d
Thy deity show;
Lay deep the foundation
Of faith in thy blood
Which brought us salvation,
Which brings us to God.
Verse 2
Implant by thy grace
A church in this house,
Then, then we shall praise,
And pay thee our vows;
Beholding thy glory
Our souls shall arise,
And gladly adore thee,
Like those in the skies.
Verse 3
A power to believe
We humbly request,
And long to receive
The promise of rest:
From sorrow and sinning
This moment to cease,
Our service beginning
With pardon and peace.
Verse 4
The praise of our Lord
Impatient to spread,
We wait for a word
That quickens the dead:
Thy mercy forgiving
The moment we see,
The living, the living
Shall triumph in thee.
Verse 5
The blessings of grace
If others conceal,
Our lips shall confess
The comforts we feel;
Redeem’d by thy passion,
We all the day long
Will publish salvation,
And sing the new song.
Verse 6
O wouldst thou inspire
Our hearts with thy love,
And add to the quire
Of harpers above:
Then, Saviour, receive us,
When perfect in one,
And graciously give us
A share of thy throne.