Verse 1
Come, Lord, come quickly from above,
The object of thy bleeding love
Is sick, and wants thine aid;
Lover of every helpless soul,
O let thy pity make him whole,
Whose mind on thee is stay’d.
Verse 2
His only trust is in thy blood,
Thou sinner’s Advocate with God,
Thou all-atoning Lamb,
The virtue of thy death impart,
Speak comfort to his drooping heart,
And tell him all thy name.
Verse 3
Give him thy pardning love to feel,
And freely his backslidings heal,
Repair his faith’s decay;
Restore the sweetness of thy grace,
Reveal the glories of thy face,
And take his sins away.
Verse 4
Speak, Lord, and let him find thee near,
O bid him now be of good chear,
Declare his sins forgiven,
Return, thou Prince of Peace, return,
Thou Comforter of all that mourn,
And look him into heaven.