Verse 1
Come, Lord, to a soul
That waits in thy ways,
That stays at the pool
Expecting thy grace:
To see thy salvation,
And prove all they[1] will,
With sure expectation
I calmly stand still.
Verse 2
With fasting and prayer
My Saviour I seek,
And listen to hear
The Comforter speak;
In searching and hearing
The life-giving word
I wait thy appearing,
I look for my Lord.
Verse 3
Because thou hast said
Do this for my sake,
The mystical bread
I gladly partake:
I thirst for the Spirit
That flows from above,
And long to inherit
Thy fulness of love.
Verse 4
’Tis here I look up,
And grasp at thy mind,
Here only I hope
Thine image to find
The means of bestowing
Thy gifts I embrace;
But all things are owing
To Jesus’s grace.
[1] Wesley corrected “they” to “thy” in 1747.