Come, our redeeming Lord

Verse 1
Come, our redeeming Lord,
Come quickly from above,
Hasten, according to thy word,
The kingdom of thy love:
By all the signs foretold,
We know that thou art near,
And lift our hands, divinely bold,
And long to grasp thee here.

Verse 2
Sorrow and sins increase,
And wide-destroying war,
Forerunners of the Prince of Peace,
Thy sure approach declare:
In threatned famine we
Thy promis’d fulness find,
And close behind the plague we see
The healer of mankind.

Verse 3
Beset on every side
With terror and distress,
Untroubled and unterrified
We still our souls possess;
The coming of our Lord
In patient hope attend,
And see fulfill’d thy faithful word,
And calmly wait the end.

Verse 4
Disturb’d the nations are
With sad perplexity,
Tost to and fro by stormy care,
And all a troubled sea;
They faint thro’ sore dismay
At desolation near,
While we exult to see thy day,
To see thy face appear.

Verse 5
The waves lift up their voice,
And horribly they roar,
The more they rage we shout our joys,
And praise our God the more:
Still in the general wreck
Immoveable we stand;
He comes, he comes, the Lord we seek,
His kingdom is at hand!

Verse 6
Jesus shall soon descend,
Our Saviour and our King,
And bring the joys that never end,
And full redemption bring:
Redemption from the grave,
We know, and feel it nigh,
Jesus shall soon descend, and save
Us up above the sky.

Verse 7
Earth to her center quakes,
And owns her judge is near;
Bowing the heavens, their powers he shakes,
And he shall soon appear:
Him we shall all survey
High on a glorious cloud,
Whose tokens cry, Prepare his way!
Prepare to meet your God!

Verse 8
Jesus, thy word we own,
And wait th’ appointed hour,
Come in thy glorious kingdom down
With majesty and power:
Thy heavenly bliss reveal,
And bid us take our flight,
Caught up to meet thee on the hill
With all thy saints in light.

Hymnal/Album: Introduced in a hymnal jointly credited to John and Charles Wesley; it is more likely than not that Charles wrote it but not certain. Introduced in Hymns for Those That Seek and Those That Have Redemption in the Blood of Jesus Christ (William Strahan, 1747). Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 4 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1869), page 266.
Publishing: Public Domain