Verse 1
Come, our redeeming Lord,
Come quickly from above,
Hasten, according to thy word,
The kingdom of thy love:
By all the signs foretold,
We know that thou art near,
And lift our hands, divinely bold,
And long to grasp thee here.
Verse 2
Sorrow and sins increase,
And wide-destroying war,
Forerunners of the Prince of Peace,
Thy sure approach declare:
In threatned famine we
Thy promis’d fulness find,
And close behind the plague we see
The healer of mankind.
Verse 3
Beset on every side
With terror and distress,
Untroubled and unterrified
We still our souls possess;
The coming of our Lord
In patient hope attend,
And see fulfill’d thy faithful word,
And calmly wait the end.
Verse 4
Disturb’d the nations are
With sad perplexity,
Tost to and fro by stormy care,
And all a troubled sea;
They faint thro’ sore dismay
At desolation near,
While we exult to see thy day,
To see thy face appear.
Verse 5
The waves lift up their voice,
And horribly they roar,
The more they rage we shout our joys,
And praise our God the more:
Still in the general wreck
Immoveable we stand;
He comes, he comes, the Lord we seek,
His kingdom is at hand!
Verse 6
Jesus shall soon descend,
Our Saviour and our King,
And bring the joys that never end,
And full redemption bring:
Redemption from the grave,
We know, and feel it nigh,
Jesus shall soon descend, and save
Us up above the sky.
Verse 7
Earth to her center quakes,
And owns her judge is near;
Bowing the heavens, their powers he shakes,
And he shall soon appear:
Him we shall all survey
High on a glorious cloud,
Whose tokens cry, Prepare his way!
Prepare to meet your God!
Verse 8
Jesus, thy word we own,
And wait th’ appointed hour,
Come in thy glorious kingdom down
With majesty and power:
Thy heavenly bliss reveal,
And bid us take our flight,
Caught up to meet thee on the hill
With all thy saints in light.