Verse 1
Come then to those who want thine aid,
Who now beneath their burthen groan,
Bind up the wound thyself hast made,
The righteousness of faith make known,
(Offer’d to all of Adam’s line,)
The perfect righteousness divine.
Verse 2
Convince the souls, who feel their sin,
There is, there is a ransom found,
A better righteousness brought in,
And grace doth more than sin abound,
Pardon to all is freely given,
For Jesus is return’d to heaven.
Verse 3
He died to purge our guilty stain,
He rose the world to justify,
And while the heavens our Lord contain,
No longer seen by mortal eye,
He reigns our Advocate above,
And pleads for all his bleeding love.
Verse 4
His bleeding love ’tis thine to seal
With pardon on the contrite heart:
To us, to us the grace reveal,
The righteousness impute, impart,
Discharge thy second function here,
And now descend the Comforter.
Verse 5
The righteousness of Christ our Lord
For pardon of our sins declare,
Inspeak the everlasting word
That freely justified we are,
By grace receiv’d, and brought to God,
And sav’d through faith in Jesu’s blood.