Come ye that seek the Lord

Verse 1
Come ye that seek the Lord,
Him that was crucified,
Come listen to the gospel-word,
And feel it now applied:
To every soul of man
The joyful news we shew,
Jesus for every sinner slain,
Is ris’n again for you.

Verse 2
The Lord is ris’n indeed,
And did to us appear,
He hath been seen, our living head,
By many a Peter here:
We, who so oft denied
Our Master and our God,
Have thrust our hand into his side,
And felt the streaming blood.

Verse 3
Rais’d from the dead we are
The members with their Lord,
And boldly in his name declare
The soul-reviving word;
Salvation we proclaim
Which every soul may find,
Pardon and peace in Jesus’[1] name,
And life for all mankind.

Verse 4
O might they all receive
The bleeding Prince of Peace!
Sinners, the glad report believe
Of Jesus’ witnesses:
He lives, who spilt his blood;
Believe our record true,
The arm, the power, the Son of God
Shall be reveal’d in you.

[1] Wesley changed “Jesus’” to “Jesu’s” in 1764.

Hymnal/Album: Introduced in Hymns for Our Lord's Resurrection, published by Charles Wesley (London, 1746). Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 4 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1869), page 143.
Publishing: Public Domain