Verse 1
Eternal God, my refuge now
In trouble and temptation Thou:
Tho’ still to sin inclin’d,
Safe from the snares of hell and death,
Thine everlasting arms beneath
My sinking soul I find.
Verse 2
Yet, Lord, I ask a farther grace:
The guilt original efface,
The inbred foe exclude;
I then shall dwell conceal’d with Thee
In spiritual security,
In blisful solitude.
Verse 3
Happy as the first sinless man,
I then my paradise regain,
And rival those above,
Inflam’d with pure, seraphic zeal
To do thine acceptable will,
In innocence and love.
Verse 4
O’re the high way of holiness
I walk with Christ in perfect peace,
Contemplating the prize,
Smooth, as on eagles wings, ascend,
Translated with my heavenly Friend,
And grasp Thee in the skies.