Eternal Spirit, gone up on high

Verse 1
Eternal Spirit gone up on high
Blessings for mortals to receive,
Send down those blessings from the sky,
To us thy gifts and graces give;
With holy things our mouths are fill’d,
O let our hearts with joy o’erflow;
Descend in pard’ning love reveal’d,
And meet us in thy courts below.

Verse 2
Thy sacrifice without the gate
Once offer’d up we call to mind,
And humbly at thy altar wait
Our interest in thy death to find:
We thirst to drink thy precious blood,
We languish in thy wounds to rest,
And hunger for immortal food,
And long on all thy love to feast.

Verse 3
O that we now thy flesh may eat,
Its virtue really receive,
Impower’d by this immortal meat
The life of holiness to live:
Partakers of thy sacrifice
O may we all thy nature share,
Till to the holiest place we rise,
And keep the feast for ever there.

Hymnal/Album: Introduced in a hymnal jointly credited to John and Charles Wesley; it is likely though not fully certain that Charles wrote it. Introduced in Hymns on the Lord's Supper, published by John and Charles Wesley (Bristol: Felix Farley, 1745).Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 3 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1869), page 298.
Publishing: Public Domain