Verse 1
Expiring in the Sinner’s stead,
I thirst the Friend of Sinners cries,
And feebly lifts his languid Head,
And breaths his Wishes to the Skies.
Verse 2
Not for the Vinegar they gave,
For Life, or Liberty, or Ease,
He thirsted all the World to save,
He only thirsted after This.
Verse 3
He thirsted for this Soul of mine,
That I might his Salvation see,
That I might in his Image shine;
Dear, wounded Lamb, He long’d for me!
Verse 4
Willing that All his Truth should know,
And feel the Virtue of his Blood,
He thirsted to redeem his Foe,
And reconcile a World to GOD.
Verse 5
And shall not We the same require,
And languish to be sav’d from Sin?
Yes, Lord, ’tis all our Soul’s Desire;
O wash, and make us pure within.
Verse 6
We thirst to drink thy healing Blood,
To wash us in the cleansing Tide,
We only long for Thee our GOD,
Our Jesus, and Thee Crucified.
Verse 7
Be satisfied: We long for Thee,
We add our strong Desires to Thine,
See then, thy Soul’s hard Travail see,
And die, to make us all Divine.