Verse 1
Father, admit our lawful claim,
Let us that ask receive:
To us that ask in Jesus’ name
Thou shalt thy Spirit give.
Verse 2
Jesus hath spoke the faithful word
On them that ask him here,
Thou shalt, in honour of our Lord,
The Holy Ghost confer.
Verse 3
If evil we, by nature know
To give our children food,
Much more thou wilt on us bestow
The soul-sustaining good.
Verse 4
Our holy heavenly Father thou
Regard’st thy children’s prayer:
Answer, and send, O send us now
The promis’d Comforter.
Verse 5
We seek, thou knowst we seek thy face;
Let us the blessing find:
Open the door of faith and grace
To us, and all mankind.
Verse 6
Surely thou wilt, we dare believe,
For Jesus’ sake alone,
Thou wilt to us the Spirit give
Give all good gifts in one.