Verse 1
Father, behold I come to do
Thy will, I come to suffer too
Thy acceptable will;
Do with me, Lord, as seems thee good,
Dispose of this weak flesh and blood,
And all thy mind fulfil.
Verse 2
Thy creature in thy hands I am,
Frail dust and ashes is my name;
Thy earthen vessel use,
Mould as thou wilt the passive clay,
But let me all thy will obey,
And all thy pleasure chuse.
Verse 3
Welcome whate’er my God ordain!
Afflict with poverty or pain
This feeble flesh of mine,
(But grant me strength to bear my load)
I will not murmur at thy rod,
Or for relief repine.
Verse 4
My spirit wound (but oh! Be near)
With what far more than death I fear,
The darts of keenest shame,
Fulfill’d with more than killing smart,
And wounded in the tenderest part
I still adore thy name.
Verse 5
Beneath thy bruising hand I fall,
Whate’er thou send’st I take it all,
Reproach, or pain, or loss,
I will not for deliverance pray,
But humbly unto death obey,
The death of Jesu’s cross.