Verse 1
Father, behold with gracious eyes
The souls before thy throne,
Who now present their sacrifice,
And seek thee in thy Son.
Verse 2
Well-pleas’d in him thyself declare,
Thy pard’ning love reveal,
The peaceful answer of our prayer
To every conscience seal.
Verse 3
Meanest of all thy servants, I
Those happier spirits meet,
And mix with theirs my feeble cry,
And worship at thy feet.
Verse 4
On me, on all some gift bestow,
Some blessing now impart,
The seed of life eternal sow
In every mournful heart.
Verse 5
The loving powerful Spirit shed,
And speak our sins forgiven,
Or haste throughout the lump to spread
The sanctifying leaven.
Verse 6
Refresh us with a ceaseless shower
Of graces from above,
Till all receive the perfect power
Of everlasting love.