Father, hail, by all adored

Verse 1
Father, hail, by all ador’d,
Father of our bleeding Lord!
God of mercy, thee we praise,
Sav’d by thy abundant grace:
To a lively hope begot,
Into second being brought,
Quicken’d by, and with, our head,
Rais’d in Jesus from the dead.

Verse 2
Rais’d t’ inherit glorious joys,
Happiness that never cloys,
Happiness without allay,
Joys that never fade away;
Manna such as angels eat,
Pure delights for spirits fit,
All to us thro’ Jesus given,
All for us reserv’d in heaven.

Verse 3
There we shall in glory shine,
Kept on earth by power divine;
Power divine thro’ faith receiv’d:
We the promise have believ’d;
Confident that Christ shall come,
Make the faithful souls his home,
Here in part himself reveal,
Stamp us with the Spirit’s seal.

Verse 4
This we now rejoice to know,
Sorrowful howe’er we go,
Exercis’d, if need require,
Purg’d in the refining fire:
Faith the trial shall abide,
Shine, as gold, when fully tried,
Glory, honour, praise receive,
Which the righteous judge shall give.

Verse 5
Him we love as yet unseen,
(Flesh is interpos’d between:)
Only faith’s interior eye,
Darkly can its Lord descry:
Gladden’d by the partial sight,
Swells our soul with vast delight,
Glorious and unspeakable—
Heaven begun on earth we feel.

Verse 6
Here the sinner that believes,
Everlasting life receives,
Here angelic bliss we find,
Bliss, the same with theirs in kind,
Only differing in degree:
Lengthen’d out it soon shall be;
All our heaven we then shall prove,
All th’ eternity of love.

Hymnal/Album: Originally titled: "The Love-Feast Part V." Introduced in a hymnal jointly credited to John and Charles Wesley; it is more likely than not that Charles wrote it but not certain. Introduced in Hymns and Sacred Poems (1740), published by John and Charles Wesley (London: William Strahan, 1740). Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 1 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1868), page 354.
Publishing: Public Domain