Verse 1
Father, I in thy strength arise
From my dead sleep of sin,
And lift with shame my guilty eyes,
And groan to be made clean.
Verse 2
Unworthy to be call’d thy son,
Yet a good hope I feel,
Thou never wilt thyself disown,
Thou art my Father still.
Verse 3
The Father of my dying Lord,
And therefore mine thou art,
Thy bowels are in Jesus stir’d,
And full of love thy heart.
Verse 4
That fulness of thy pitying love
To me in Christ reveal,
Again my unbelief remove,
Again my pardon seal.
Verse 5
The word of reconciling grace
I long to feel applied:
O let me see thy smiling face,
And know thee pacified.
Verse 6
Thy prodigal in Christ receive,
The forfeiture restore,
Forgive, for Jesus’ sake forgive,
And bid me sin no more.