Father, in the mighty name

Verse 1
Father, in the mighty name
Of thy well-beloved Son,
One of all thy gifts I claim,
All my wants I speak in one,
Let me for the promise stay,
Only give me power to pray.

Verse 2
Sensible delights on me,
Peace or joy if thou bestow,
Thankful I receive from thee,
Or let all my comforts go,
Take thy[1] other gifts away;
Only give me power to pray.

Verse 3
See thy poor afflicted child,
Patient, and resign’d in pain,
Let me wander o’er the wild,
Never more will I complain,
Here forever let me stay,
Only give me power to pray.

Verse 4
Let the pangs that fill my breast
Fully all to thee be known,
Griefs that cannot be exprest
Let me tell thee in a groan,
Haste to help me, or delay,
Only give me power to pray.

Verse 5
Grant me comfort, or deny,
Visit, or from me depart,
Only let thy Spirit cry,
Abba Father, in my heart;
Abba Father, would I say,
Only give me power to pray.

[1] Wesley changed “thy” to “thine” in 1745.

Hymnal/Album: Originally titled: "For the Spirit of Prayer." Introduced in Hymns and Sacred Poems (1742), published by John and Charles Wesley (London: William Strahan, 1742). Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 2 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1869), page 213.
Publishing: Public Domain