Verse 1
Father, let the sinner go,
The Lamb did once atone,
Lo! We to thy justice shew
The Passion of thy Son;
Thus to thee we set it forth:
He the dying precept gave,
He, who hath sufficient worth
A thousand worlds to save.
Verse 2
Can thy justice ought [aught] reply
To our prevailing plea?
Jesus died thy grace to buy
For all mankind and me;
Still before thy righteous throne
Stands the Lamb as newly slain:
Canst thou turn away thy Son,
Or let him bleed in vain?
Verse 3
Still the wounds are open wide,
The blood doth freely flow,
As when first his sacred side
Receiv’d the deadly blow:
Still, O God, the blood is warm,
Cover’d with the blood we are;
Find a part it doth not arm,
And strike the sinner there!