Father of earth and heaven, all glory be to Thee

Verse 1
Father of earth and heaven,
All glory be to thee,
Who self-inclin’d hast freely given
Thy Son to die for me:
For me, and all that breathe,
For all of Adam’s race
The second Adam tasted death,
By thy all-pard’ning grace.

Verse 2
We bless the saving name,
Jesus, the sinner’s peace,
The Saviour of mankind proclaim,
The Lord our righteousness,
Whose gift is come to all:
For all the Lamb hath died;
The world may listen to his call,
The world is justified.

Verse 3
We glorify the Dove
Who strives with every soul,
And witnesses, that God is love,
When he hath made us whole;
Witnesses with the blood
That it for all did stream,
That all thro’ Christ may come to God,
May all be saved thro’ him.

Verse 4
We magnify the grace,
The universal love
Of Father, Son, and Spirit praise
With all the hosts above:
Till Christ on earth appears,
Angels, on you we call,
Come praise with us, ye morning-stars,
The Lamb that died for all.

Verse 5
With us together sing,
Your tongues, and harps employ,
To sound the glories of our King;
Ye angels shout for joy!
For joy that God hath died
That we might be forgiven,
And find with all the sanctified
Our names enroll’d in heaven.

Verse 6
Worthy, O Lamb, art thou
That all thy name should bless,
That every knee to thee should bow,
And every tongue confess:
Thee, Jesus, thee we own
For every sinner slain,
With him that sitteth on the throne,
Worthy art thou to reign.

Verse 7
Hosannah to the Son!
Hosannah cry aloud,
Then cast your crowns before the throne,
Ye first-born sons of God!
With you we now adore,
Low at his footstool fall,
And praise, and worship evermore
The Lamb that died for all!

Hymnal/Album: Introduced in Hymns on God's Everlasting Love (second series) (London: W. Strahan 1742). Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 3 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1869), page 104, 357.
Publishing: Public Domain