Verse 1
Father of everlasting grace,
Thy goodness and thy truth we praise,
Thy goodness and thy truth we prove:
Thou hast in honour of thy Son
The gift unspeakable sent down
The Spir’t of life, and power, and love;
Verse 2
Thou hast THE PROPHECY fulfill’d,
The grand orig’nal compact seal’d,
For which thy word and oath were join’d:
THE PROMISE to our fallen head
To every child of Adam made,
Is now pour’d out on all mankind.
Verse 3
The purchas’d Comforter is given,
For Jesus is return’d to heaven,
To claim, and then THE GRACE impart:
Our day of Pentecost is come,
And God vouchsafes to fix his home
In every poor expecting heart.
Verse 4
Father, on thee whoever call,
Confess thy promise is for all,
While every one that asks receives,
Receives the gift, and giver too,
And witnesses that thou art true,
And in thy Spirit walks, and lives.
Verse 5
Not to a single age confin’d,
For every soul of man design’d,
O God, we now that Spirit claim:
To us the Holy Ghost impart,
Breathe him into our panting heart,
Thou hear’st us ask in Jesu’s name.
Verse 6
Send us the Spirit of thy Son,
To make the depths of Godhead known,
To make us share the life divine;
Send him the sprinkled blood t’ apply,
Send him, our souls to sanctify,
And shew, and seal us ever thine.
Verse 7
So shall we pray, and never cease,
So shall we thankfully confess
Thy wisdom, truth, and power, and love,
With joy unspeakable adore,
And bless, and praise thee evermore,
And serve thee like thy hosts above:
Verse 8
Till added to that heavenly quire,
We raise our songs of triumph higher,
And praise thee in a bolder strain,
Outsoar the firstborn seraph’s flight,
And sing with all our friends in light
Thine everlasting love to man.