Father of Jesus Christ, the Just, my Friend and Advocate with Thee, pity a soul

Verse 1
Father of Jesus Christ the just,
My friend and Advocate with thee,
Pity a soul, who fain would trust
In him, who lov’d,[1] and dy’d for me;
But only thou canst make him known,
And in my heart reveal thy Son.

Verse 2
If drawn by thine alluring grace,
My want of living faith I feel,
Shew me in Christ thy smiling face;
What flesh and blood can ne’er reveal,
Thy co-eternal Son display,
And call my darkness into day.

Verse 3
The gift unspeakable impart,
Command the light of faith to shine,
To shine in my dark drooping heart,
And fill me with the life divine;
Now bid the new creation be,
O God, let there be faith in me!

Verse 4
Thee without faith I cannot please:
Faith without thee I cannot have:
But thou hast sent the Prince of Peace
To seek my wand’ring soul, and save:
O Father! Glorify thy Son,
And save me for his sake alone!

Verse 5
Save me thro’ faith in Jesus’ blood,
That blood which he for all did shed:
For me, for me, thou know’st, it flow’d,
For me, for me thou hear’st it plead;
Assure me now my soul is thine,
And all thou art in Christ is mine!

[1] Wesley changed “lov’d” to “liv’d” in 1747.

Hymnal/Album: Introduced in Hymns for Those That Seek and Those That Have Redemption in the Blood of Jesus Christ (William Strahan, 1747). Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 4 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1869), page 227.
Publishing: Public Domain