Father, to Him we turn our face

Verse 1
Father to him we turn our face
Who did for all atone,
And worship tow’rd thy holy place,
And seek thee in thy Son.

Verse 2
Him the true ark and mercy-seat
By faith we call to mind,
Faith in the blood atoning yet
For us and all mankind.

Verse 3
To thee his Passion we present,
Who for our ransom dyes,
We reach by this great instrument
Th’ eternal sacrifice.

Verse 4
The Lamb as crucified afresh
Is here held out to men,
The tokens of his blood and flesh
Are on this table seen.

Verse 5
The Lamb his Father now surveys,
As on this altar slain,
Still[1] bleeding and imploring grace
For every soul of man.

Verse 6
Father, for us ev’n us he bleeds,
The sacrifice receive,
Forgive, for Jesus interceeds,
He gasps in death—“Forgive!”

[1] Wesley changed “Still” to “Its” in three editions, 1751, 1757, and 1762.

Hymnal/Album: Introduced in a hymnal jointly credited to John and Charles Wesley; it is likely though not fully certain that Charles wrote it. Introduced in Hymns on the Lord's Supper, published by John and Charles Wesley (Bristol: Felix Farley, 1745).Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 3 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1869), page 310.
Publishing: Public Domain