Verse 1
Father, whose hand on all bestows
Sufficiency of saving grace,
Whose universal love o’erflows
The whole of Adam’s fallen race;
Verse 2
Within no narrow bounds confin’d,
The vast, unfathomable sea
Swells, and embraces all mankind—
For, O my God, it reach’d to me!
Verse 3
If I could hear thy quick’ning call,
Then all may seek, and find thee too;
Surely thou loving art to all,
And I stand forth to prove it true.
Verse 4
Was there a man thou doom’st to die,
How justly then might I despair!
For who so vile a wretch as I?
For who so bold his God to dare?
Verse 5
Was there a single soul decreed
Thy unrelenting hate to know,
Then I were he—and well might dread
The horrors of eternal woe.
Verse 6
But O in vain the tempter tries
To shake the Rock that ne’er shall move;
My stedfast soul his power defies,
Secure in this, that God is love.
Verse 7
Whoe’er admits; my soul disowns
The image of a tort’ring God,
Well-pleas’d with human shrieks and groans,
A fiend, a Molock gorg’d with blood!
Verse 8
Good God! That any child of thine,
So horribly should think of thee!
Lo! All my hopes I here resign,
If all may not find grace with me.
Verse 9
If fury can in thee have place,
Empty it on my helpless head,
Cut off, exclude me from thy grace,
Unless for all the Saviour bled.
Verse 10
If all may not thy mercy claim,
On me the vengeful bolt let fall,
Take back my interest in the Lamb,
Unless the victim died for all.