Fly, to the mountains fly

Verse 1
Fly, to the mountains fly;
Sinners, on Christ rely!
Our strong mountain is the Lord:
He keeps off th’ invading bands,
He averts th’ impending sword;
Christ the Christian’s fortress stands.

Verse 2
Happy who trust in him,
Almighty to redeem:
Neither wars nor plagues they fear,
Publick ills they calmly meet,
Smile at desolation near,
Trample death beneath their feet.

Verse 3
But woes, redoubled woes
Attend the Saviour’s foes:
Worldly men and things who love,
God, his things, and people hate,
O what sorrows will they prove,
Crush’d by all his judgments’ weight!

Verse 4
Woe to the souls at ease,
The slaves of foul excess;
Charg’d with surfeiting, or wine,
Drunk with pleasure, or with care,
Big with earthly low design,
Fond of their attachments there.

Verse 5
Secure on earth who dwell,
They all his plagues shall feel;
Senseless, till the day oppress;
Thoughtless, till the ruin come;
Pangs shall then their spirits seize,
Earnest of their final doom.

Verse 6
But we thy warning take,
We, Lord, the world forsake.
Thou hast kindly said, Beware;
Arm’d us by thy word of grace,
Told us of the fatal snare
Spread for all the earth-born race.

Verse 7
Thy judgments we revere,
Thy speaking rod we hear.
Thou shalt keep our caution’d heart,
Free from care, from pleasure free:
Thou alone our portion art,
All our treasure is in thee.

Verse 8
Thee let us still obey,
And always watch and pray;
Pray against the sore distress,
Plagues, that on the world shall fall,
Counted, thro’ thy righteousness,
Worthy to escape them all.

Verse 9
Worthy esteem’d thro’ grace
To stand before thy face;
Call’d to see our judge appear,
Son of man, with glory crown’d;
Glad th’ archangel’s voice to hear,
Shouting at the trumpet’s sound.

Verse 10
O wouldst thou now descend,
And all our sufferings end!
Hear the bride and Spirit pray,
Hasten, Lord, the general doom;
Bring the great tremendous day,
Come away, to judgment come!

Hymnal/Album: Introduced in Hymns for Times of Trouble and Persecution, published by John and Charles Wesley (London, 1744). Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 4 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1869), page 19.
Publishing: Public Domain