Verse 1
Fly, to the mountains fly;
Sinners, on Christ rely!
Our strong mountain is the Lord:
He keeps off th’ invading bands,
He averts th’ impending sword;
Christ the Christian’s fortress stands.
Verse 2
Happy who trust in him,
Almighty to redeem:
Neither wars nor plagues they fear,
Publick ills they calmly meet,
Smile at desolation near,
Trample death beneath their feet.
Verse 3
But woes, redoubled woes
Attend the Saviour’s foes:
Worldly men and things who love,
God, his things, and people hate,
O what sorrows will they prove,
Crush’d by all his judgments’ weight!
Verse 4
Woe to the souls at ease,
The slaves of foul excess;
Charg’d with surfeiting, or wine,
Drunk with pleasure, or with care,
Big with earthly low design,
Fond of their attachments there.
Verse 5
Secure on earth who dwell,
They all his plagues shall feel;
Senseless, till the day oppress;
Thoughtless, till the ruin come;
Pangs shall then their spirits seize,
Earnest of their final doom.
Verse 6
But we thy warning take,
We, Lord, the world forsake.
Thou hast kindly said, Beware;
Arm’d us by thy word of grace,
Told us of the fatal snare
Spread for all the earth-born race.
Verse 7
Thy judgments we revere,
Thy speaking rod we hear.
Thou shalt keep our caution’d heart,
Free from care, from pleasure free:
Thou alone our portion art,
All our treasure is in thee.
Verse 8
Thee let us still obey,
And always watch and pray;
Pray against the sore distress,
Plagues, that on the world shall fall,
Counted, thro’ thy righteousness,
Worthy to escape them all.
Verse 9
Worthy esteem’d thro’ grace
To stand before thy face;
Call’d to see our judge appear,
Son of man, with glory crown’d;
Glad th’ archangel’s voice to hear,
Shouting at the trumpet’s sound.
Verse 10
O wouldst thou now descend,
And all our sufferings end!
Hear the bride and Spirit pray,
Hasten, Lord, the general doom;
Bring the great tremendous day,
Come away, to judgment come!