Forth, at Thy call, O Lord, I go

Verse 1
Forth at thy call, O Lord, I go,
Thy counsel to fulfill:
’Tis all my business here below,
Father, to do thy will.

Verse 2
To do thy will, while here I make
My short, unfixt abode,
An everlasting home I seek,
A city built by God.

Verse 3
O when shall I my Canaan gain,
The land of promis’d ease,
And leave this world of sin and pain,
This howling wilderness!

Verse 4
Come to my help, come quickly, Lord,
For whom alone I sigh,
O let me hear the gracious word,
And get me up, and die!

Hymnal/Album: Originally titled: "Before a Journey." Introduced in a hymnal jointly credited to John and Charles Wesley; it is more likely than not that Charles wrote it but not certain. Introduced in Hymns and Sacred Poems (1740), published by John and Charles Wesley (London: William Strahan, 1740). Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 1 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1868), page 302.
Publishing: Public Domain