Verse 1
Glory to thee, whose powerful word,
Bids the tempestuous wind arise,
Glory to thee, the sovereign Lord
Of air, and earth, and seas, and skies!
Verse 2
Let air, and earth, and skies obey,
And seas thy awful will perform:
From them we learn to own thy sway,
And shout to meet the gathering storm.
Verse 3
What tho’ the floods lift up their voice,
Thou hearest, Lord, our louder cry;
They cannot damp thy children’s joys,
Or shake the soul, when God is nigh.
Verse 4
Headlong we cleave the yawning deep,
And back to highest heaven are born,
Unmov’d, tho’ rapid whirlwinds sweep,
And all the watry world upturn.
Verse 5
Roar on, ye waves! Our souls defie
Your roaring to disturb our rest,
In vain t’ impair the calm ye try,
The calm in a believer’s breast.
Verse 6
Rage, while our faith the Saviour tries,
Thou sea, the servant of his will:
Rise, while our God permits thee, rise;
But fall, when he shall say, “Be still!”