God is gone up on high

Verse 1
God is gone up on high
With a triumphant noise,
The clarions of the sky
Proclaim the angelic joys!
Join all on earth, rejoice, and sing,
Glory ascribe to glory’s King.

Verse 2
God in the flesh below,
For us he reigns above:
Let all the nations know
Our Jesu’s conquering love!
Join all on earth, rejoice, and sing,
Glory ascribe to glory’s King.

Verse 3
All power to our great Lord
Is by his Father given,
By angel-hosts ador’d
He reigns supreme in heaven:
Join all on earth, rejoice, and sing,
Glory ascribe to glory’s King.

Verse 4
High on his holy seat
He bears the righteous sway,
His foes beneath his feet
Shall sink, and die away:
Join all on earth, rejoice, and sing,
Glory ascribe to glory’s King.

Verse 5
His foes and ours are one,
Satan, the world, and sin;
But he shall tread them down,
And bring his kingdom in:
Join all on earth, rejoice, and sing,
Glory ascribe to glory’s King.

Verse 6
Till all the earth renew’d
In righteousness divine
With all the hosts of God
In one great chorus join,
Join all on earth, rejoice, and sing,
Glory ascribe to glory’s King.

Hymnal/Album: Introduced in Hymns for Ascencion Day, published by Charles Wesley (Bristol: Felix Farley, 1746).Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 4 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1869), page 154.
Publishing: Public Domain