Verse 1
God of unexhausted grace
Of everlasting love,
Overpower’d before thy face
I fall, and dare not move:
What hast thou for sinners done!
For so poor a worm as me!
Thou hast given thy[1] only Son,
To bring us back to thee.
Verse 2
Suffering, sin-atoning God,
Thy hallow’d name I bless,
Jesus, lavish of thy blood,
To buy the sinner’s peace!
Gushing from thy sacred veins
Let it now my soul o’reflow,
Purge out all my sinful stains,
And wash me white as snow.
Verse 3
Holy Ghost, set to thy seal,
The life of Jesus breathe,
The deep things of God reveal,
Apply my Saviour’s death:
With the Father and the Son
Soon as one in thee I am,
All my nature shall make known
The glories of the Lamb.
Verse 4
Father, Son and Holy Ghost,
Thy Godhead we adore,
Join with the triumphant host
Who praise thee evermore:
Live by heaven and earth ador’d,
Three in One, and One in Three,
Holy, holy, holy Lord,
All glory be to thee!
[1] Wesley changed “thy” to “thine” in 1745, but returned to “thy” in later editions.