Verse 1
God over all, for ever blest,
A curse and sin for sinners made,
By a whole world of guilt opprest,
Who hast the general ransom paid,
Redeem’d us from the curse of God,
And bought the grace with all thy blood;
Verse 2
The gift unspeakable procur’d
For Adam’s race, on us bestow,
Who long, by grace divine assur’d,
Redemption in thy blood to know,
And taste our purchas’d liberty,
From curse, and sin for ever free.
Verse 3
The promise sure to Abraham made,
For every ransom’d soul design’d,
Be it into our souls convey’d,
The blessing bought for all mankind
O might we now thro’ faith receive,
And happy in thy Spirit live!
Verse 4
The gift, the blessing, and the grace,
The precious promises in one,
Jesus, our faithful hearts embrace
Compriz’d, fulfill’d in Thee alone,
Fulness of Deity we prove,
And all the heights and depths of Love.