Verse 1
God was in Christ, th’ eternal Sire
Reveal’d in his eternal Son,
Jehovah did on earth expire,
For every soul of man t’ atone:
The One Almighty God supreme,
Jehovah lavish of his blood
Pour’d out th’ inestimable stream,
And reconcil’d the world to God.
Verse 2
The One, true, only God most high,
Agent at once and patient was:
As man he did for sinners die,
As God redeem’d us by his cross:
Jesus the general debt hath paid,
God in the Person of the Son
Amends to God the Father made,
For Son and Father are but One.
Verse 3
Father in Jesus reconcil’d,
My Father if thro’ him thou art,
Acknowledge thine unconscious child,
And hear his Spirit in my heart:
One of the dear distinguish’d race
For whom thou cam’st in Christ from heaven,
I languish for thy gospel-grace,
I long to know my sins forgiven.
Verse 4
Thy Godhead whole was in thy Son,
When Jesus pray’d, and gasp’d, and died:
The precious ransom was laid down;
’Tis finish’d; I am justified!
The Spirit of faith applies the word,
And cries thy new-born child to thee,
Hail holy, holy, holy Lord,
One glorious God in Persons Three.