Verse 1
Happy soul whom Jesus loves,
Freely loves and justifies!
Jesus all his griefs removes,
Jesus all his wants supplies,
With celestial manna feeds,
(Manna to the world unknown)
By the silent waters leads
Up to an eternal throne.
Verse 2
Saviour, speak the blessing ours,
(Peace thy gracious word imparts;)
Bid us taste the heavenly powers,
Stamp the pardon on our hearts:
Wait our longing hearts on thee,
’Till thou shed thy love abroad,
Give the glorious liberty,
Wash us in thy hallowing blood.
Verse 3
Well thou know’st, we cannot rest
Unrenew’d and unforgiven;
Troubled is the faithless breast,
Unassur’d of peace with heaven:
Sick thro’ hope so long delay’d
Still we for redemption groan,
Of an angry God afraid,
Flying from a God unknown.
Verse 4
Sent thy Father to proclaim,
Wilt thou not the veil withdraw;
Turn, by telling us his name,
Servile fear to filial awe?
Now the evangelic grace
Let us with thyself receive,
See in thine the Father’s face,
Blest in God for ever live.