Verse 1
Happy souls that Christ obey,
They are safe, and only they;
Hidden is their life above,
All wrapt up in Jesus’ love.
Verse 2
When his judgments are abroad,
By his timely warnings aw’d,
They to him their spirits give,
Closer to their Saviour cleave.
Verse 3
Neither wars nor plagues they fear,
Still their life and peace is near;
Undisturb’d by storms they rest,
Harbour’d in his quiet breast.
Verse 4
Calm on tumult’s wheel they sit,
Trample death beneath their feet;
Own their all o’er-ruling Lord,
Smile at the destroyer’s sword.
Verse 5
They its threatning point defy,
They behold the fiend pass by,
Sprinkled by the Lamb of God,
Arm’d and cover’d with his blood.
Verse 6
Thanks to the atoning Lamb,
We are shelter’d in his name;
We our Lord begin to know,
Ransom’d from the world below.
Verse 7
While we walk with him in light,
Neither men nor fiends affright;
Us, whom Jesus’ blood doth arm
Kill they may, but cannot harm.
Verse 8
O that all our friends might feel,
How secure in Christ we dwell,
O that all our foes might prove
God, a pard’ning God of love!