Happy souls that Christ obey

Verse 1
Happy souls that Christ obey,
They are safe, and only they;
Hidden is their life above,
All wrapt up in Jesus’ love.

Verse 2
When his judgments are abroad,
By his timely warnings aw’d,
They to him their spirits give,
Closer to their Saviour cleave.

Verse 3
Neither wars nor plagues they fear,
Still their life and peace is near;
Undisturb’d by storms they rest,
Harbour’d in his quiet breast.

Verse 4
Calm on tumult’s wheel they sit,
Trample death beneath their feet;
Own their all o’er-ruling Lord,
Smile at the destroyer’s sword.

Verse 5
They its threatning point defy,
They behold the fiend pass by,
Sprinkled by the Lamb of God,
Arm’d and cover’d with his blood.

Verse 6
Thanks to the atoning Lamb,
We are shelter’d in his name;
We our Lord begin to know,
Ransom’d from the world below.

Verse 7
While we walk with him in light,
Neither men nor fiends affright;
Us, whom Jesus’ blood doth arm
Kill they may, but cannot harm.

Verse 8
O that all our friends might feel,
How secure in Christ we dwell,
O that all our foes might prove
God, a pard’ning God of love!

Hymnal/Album: Introduced in Hymns for Times of Trouble and Persecution, published by John and Charles Wesley (London, 1744). Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 4 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1869), page 16.
Publishing: Public Domain