Verse 1
Have I not always fear’d
The anger of the Lord?
Thy voice I first from Sinai heard,
And trembled at thy word:
In childhood’s earliest hour
I sunk thro’ sore dismay,
At thought of thy vindictive power,
And that tremendous day.
Verse 2
The thunders of thy law
And secret checks within
Restrain’d, and kept my soul in awe,
And held me back from sin:
By young corrupters lured
To bolder lengths in vice,
I shrunk protected, and secured
Thro’ sacred cowardise.
Verse 3
By Moses doom’d to die
O how was I distress’d,
My fears of death and judgment nigh
A thousand fold increas’d!
My inbred hell was stir’d,
And horribly afraid,
I saw the just, avenging sword
Hang or’e my guilty head.
Verse 4
Of sad, tormenting fear
The Spirit I receiv’d,
And many a miserable year
In cruel bondage liv’d: