Verse 1
Hear all the Saviour’s cry
On this great festal day,
“The man that would on me rely,
That would be happy, may:
If any of all mankind
Is now athirst for God,
Now let him come to me, and find
And drink the living flood.
Verse 2
“He that believes on me,
The word of truth shall feel,
The wilderness a pool shall be,
The heath a springing well;
Forth from that faithful soul
Rivers of life shall flow,
And streams of grace eternal roll
O’re all the earth below.”
Verse 3
Lord, we with joy embrace
(What all may find fulfill’d,)
The promise made to all our race,
And to BELIEVERS seal’d:
Who in thy merit trust,
Thy Spirit still receive,
And temples of the Holy Ghost,
And fill’d with God they live.
Verse 4
The Spirit of their God,
Doth in the saints abide,
He is, he is by thee bestow’d
For thou art glorified;
Thy blood’s unceasing prayer,
And strong prevailing plea
Hath now obtain’d the Comforter
For all mankind, and me.
Verse 5
Lord, I believe the sure
Irrevocable word,
And come to thee distrest and poor,
To thee my faithful Lord;
I come athirst and faint
Thy Spirit to receive,
Give me the gift for which I pant,
Thyself the giver give.
Verse 6
In this accepted hour
The promis’d God impart,
Open a spring of life and power
Eternal in my heart;
To all the world below
So shall my bowels move,
So shall my heart like thine o’reflow
With everlasting love.