Hear, O Thou Friend of human kind

Verse 1
Hear, O thou friend of human kind,
Thou Son of Mary hear,
And let thy suffering handmaid find
The answer of our prayer.
Thy Spirit’s mixt with nature’s cries
Thro’ thee to heaven ascend:
O send deliverance from the skies,
A swift deliverance send.

Verse 2
Save her, thyself of woman born,
Thyself the Son of man,
The curse into a blessing turn,
And sanctify the pain:
Be thou a present succour found
In time of greatest need,
And while her sorrows most abound,
Her comforts shall exceed.

Verse 3
This keenest sense of deep distress
Which feeble flesh can feel,
Or’epower, and swallow up in peace
And joy unspeakable:
Thy love shall bring her safely thro’:
Thy love to her be given,
And change the pains of hell into
The extacies of heaven.

Verse 4
So shall the ransom’d sinner give
To thee her added days,
So shall the joyful mother live
A mon’ment of thy praise;
She and her house shall serve the Lord,
Till all from earth remove
In sounds of glory to record
Thine everlasting love.

Hymnal/Album: Introduced in Hymns for the Use of Families, and on Various Occasions, published by Charles Wesley (Bristol: William Pine, 1767). Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 7 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1870), page 64.
Publishing: Public Domain